Othello in a T shirt
AMIT Budhiraja and Rinku Sachdeva had everything: good jobs, a nice flat, money to splurge, and a future that beckoned with promise. Or at least that was what the world thought. It is now obvious they were leading tormented inner lives before Amit killed her and hanged himself on Sunday.
The media will cover their tragedy extensively because they worked in the high profile sectors of software and finance. People will say wise things, such as, “What purpose did Amit achieve with this murder and suicide?” and “It only shows what life really is like behind all the IT glamour.”
Amit’s case is similar to that of Gururaj Kishore, also a techie, who killed his girlfriend Tanya because he thought she had become intimate with other men. He stabbed her repeatedly and dumped her body in the ghats near Sakleshpur last year. He was arrested a day after the crime, and is now in jail. So, are young people in the IT sector more likely to commit ‘crimes of passion’ than their counterparts elsewhere?
It is possible that jobs in the new “flat world” (Friedman’s coinage, to suggest the collapse of barriers and the levelling out of opportunities) extract more out of the young, ruin their balance, and drive them to desperation. It is possible that new job descriptions and super smart managers nudge young people along the path to overachievement, and self-destruction. Conservative India may look down upon, and secretly envy, the “permissive” abandon of the new workspace, but do these murders really show the dark side of our American-inspired IT dream?
Just a day before the Infosys employee smothered his wife with a pillow, a man stabbed a friend to death because he had sprayed Holi colours on his wife and behaved indecently with her. This happened in a working class neighbourhood in southern Bangalore, and among people who worked as painters
and carpenters. So what has “IT culture” to do with what happened to Amit and Rinku? It could happen anywhere. And it could happen to anyone.
Perhaps great writers, more than anyone else, can help us glimpse the complex psychological intrigues that go into the making of such crimes. The story of Othello, for instance, shows what ensues when a man is consumed by suspicion, jealousy and rage. The wily Iago, unhappy for professional reasons, fuels Othello’s doubts and incites him to kill his beloved wife Desdemona. Othello, initially justifies his action, but when he realises he has wronged an innocent woman, pierces himself with a dagger and kills himself with her body in his arms. (We know very little about what happened inside the minds of Amit and Rinku, but the verifiable details of their last moments echo the sad climax of Othello).
Othello is a black general in the Venetian army and Desdemona the daughter of a white senator. Shakespeare's keen eye grasped the subtle strands that weave a tragic story. Some writers saw in the play a lesson for white women who fell in love with black, Muslim men. Salman Rushdie interprets Desdemona's murder as a despicable, misguided “honour killing”. The police will tell us what they can piece together of the Amit-Rinku story, but will anyone ever know what really
precipitated the end? Failure of marriage? Frustration? Loneliness in a relationship? Shock of betrayal? Incompatibility?
Some couples cope with these, and even recover. Some are damaged beyond repair, but accept their fate and move on. A few go mad. That’s when the wreckage of love hits the headlines.
MiD DAY, 25 March 2008
The media will cover their tragedy extensively because they worked in the high profile sectors of software and finance. People will say wise things, such as, “What purpose did Amit achieve with this murder and suicide?” and “It only shows what life really is like behind all the IT glamour.”
Amit’s case is similar to that of Gururaj Kishore, also a techie, who killed his girlfriend Tanya because he thought she had become intimate with other men. He stabbed her repeatedly and dumped her body in the ghats near Sakleshpur last year. He was arrested a day after the crime, and is now in jail. So, are young people in the IT sector more likely to commit ‘crimes of passion’ than their counterparts elsewhere?
It is possible that jobs in the new “flat world” (Friedman’s coinage, to suggest the collapse of barriers and the levelling out of opportunities) extract more out of the young, ruin their balance, and drive them to desperation. It is possible that new job descriptions and super smart managers nudge young people along the path to overachievement, and self-destruction. Conservative India may look down upon, and secretly envy, the “permissive” abandon of the new workspace, but do these murders really show the dark side of our American-inspired IT dream?
Just a day before the Infosys employee smothered his wife with a pillow, a man stabbed a friend to death because he had sprayed Holi colours on his wife and behaved indecently with her. This happened in a working class neighbourhood in southern Bangalore, and among people who worked as painters
and carpenters. So what has “IT culture” to do with what happened to Amit and Rinku? It could happen anywhere. And it could happen to anyone.
Perhaps great writers, more than anyone else, can help us glimpse the complex psychological intrigues that go into the making of such crimes. The story of Othello, for instance, shows what ensues when a man is consumed by suspicion, jealousy and rage. The wily Iago, unhappy for professional reasons, fuels Othello’s doubts and incites him to kill his beloved wife Desdemona. Othello, initially justifies his action, but when he realises he has wronged an innocent woman, pierces himself with a dagger and kills himself with her body in his arms. (We know very little about what happened inside the minds of Amit and Rinku, but the verifiable details of their last moments echo the sad climax of Othello).
Othello is a black general in the Venetian army and Desdemona the daughter of a white senator. Shakespeare's keen eye grasped the subtle strands that weave a tragic story. Some writers saw in the play a lesson for white women who fell in love with black, Muslim men. Salman Rushdie interprets Desdemona's murder as a despicable, misguided “honour killing”. The police will tell us what they can piece together of the Amit-Rinku story, but will anyone ever know what really
precipitated the end? Failure of marriage? Frustration? Loneliness in a relationship? Shock of betrayal? Incompatibility?
Some couples cope with these, and even recover. Some are damaged beyond repair, but accept their fate and move on. A few go mad. That’s when the wreckage of love hits the headlines.
MiD DAY, 25 March 2008
Amit did not have any option. Consider the situation. Your wife talking to her lover in your house and talking of filing a false harassment case against you, putting you in jail, taking away your future and damaging you for your life ! What women don't realize is that the unjust laws like the dowry law and Domestic Violence Law are pushing men towards the edge. I can tell you what Amit's future would have been - He and his parents would have been behind bars due to the false dowry allegations that Amit alleges that Rinku was contemplating. Generally, husbands have to shell out anything from 5 Lakhs to 4 crores to the wife to "compromise" so that she takes the case back. That is when the husband had been a gentleman (like described by Amit's colleagues). The threat of false accusations and seeing his family behind bars can push anyone to the brink. Add to that the infidelity (atelast perceived by Amit. We'll never know whether he was right or wrong) by the wife. His future would have been destroyed. He and his family would end up penniless, humiliated and socially destroyed while Rinku would have ended up richer and would probably have led a normal family life with her lover (if one existed).
Who is to blame ? The Ultra feminist laws. Had the threat of a false case not been there, Amit would have probably thought of his future and who knows, maybe this tragedy could have been averted. But when your future is in jail due to a a cheating wife, the injustice gets to a man and he ends up taking law in his own hands.
We should be prepared to see many more Rinkus and Amits unless the laws are made fair and just.
God bless them both. They didn't deserve to die.. just because of the travails of marriage. Its the Law that killed them
I regret the loss of lives.
Unknown, At
Tuesday, March 25, 2008 8:13:00 pm
Some thoughts at The Veneer Crack'd.
రామ ShastriX, At
Wednesday, March 26, 2008 4:09:00 am
yeah, some go mad, ......
Explorer, At
Wednesday, April 09, 2008 10:31:00 pm
Saluting Amit and stating he had no option is like joining the gang of idiotic men with a foolish mindset similar to that of a murderer. I am a guy, and please know that there has to be a reason for existence of ultra feminist laws (as you call them), all international and domestic laws aswell give more power to women. AND WHY???? Cause men have abused women for generations and have gotten away with it, time to protect women. No harm in that. We men are paying for the misdeeds committed by the men of the past, and men who are doing it in the present, time to FESS UP AND FACE IT. We are also paying for the misdeeds of women who support the actions of dowry and participate in them with their husbands.
As far as women misusing the dowry allegations, there are always few bad apples in the society who will exploit this avenue, and Rinku paid a heavy price for it without participating in it. I know for a fact that, AMIT EXPLOITED THIS REASON OF DOWRY THREAT, to justify his murdering actions, though he was never threatened with dowry allegations, and all you men supporting it are foolish enough to believe that he was stating the truth. But I guess you will never understand. All of you who think like Amit and support this action, of murdering his wife, as being justifiable on crappy reasons like fear of dowry allegation, shame on you. Imagine supporting an act like MURDER, as being justifiable, good luck to you.
You have used words like cheating wife in your statements in spite of knowing the fact that no proof exits of that except for a statement made by a person who is a murderer in the first place, and if you want further introspect on this issue you could go to:
and read comment #78, and make up your mind on this issue. Also even if you want to force yourself to believe that there was any truth to the issue, please do a self introspect on your statement, as you seem to be stating that murdering a wife is justifiable on assumption of perceived infidelity. Hell Amit himself said that he THOUGHT his wife will use the dowry allegation, not that she did. Now if that’s what you wanna represent, go for it. Women do need ultra feminist laws (as you call them) to protect against men with your mindset.
Rinku was not one of those women to use false allegations on dowry, she had her self respect and integrity, and would not stoop to that, and neither would her family. Its for you to see that its been a month since her death and we have done nothing of that sort to put Amit or his parents in trouble. I am Rinkus Bro in Law.
Anyway there is nothing that can be said to convince you, but we cannot stand here and be silent and not make a statement, if you have initiated making false and unreasonable statements in your previous blog. Peace
Ankush, At
Thursday, April 24, 2008 11:22:00 am
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