S R Ramakrishna's Blog

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Carctol, medicine for cancer

I happened to visit Jaipur last month after reading about a herbal formulation called Carctol to treat cancer. The Guardian has done a piece about this medicine and reports it may have cured some 800 patients in the UK.

'Cure' is a word that leaves oncologists livid, yet a highly regarded oncologist in that country swears by the healing powers of this Indian herbal formulation.

I flew to Jaipur and met Dr Nandlal Tiwari, who runs a busy practice in Jaipur, and sought his help for my mother, who is now in hospital in Mumbai. We managed to give her the capsules for a couple of days, but she is now too weak to take anything orally, so I don't really have a personal testimonial for the medicine's efficacy. I only wish we had come to know about it earlier, but such is life, and I hope my mother comes around to be able to take the capsules again.

Just thought a note on Carctol might help those looking for ways to battle cancer.

Carctol official website
The Guardian article on Carctol